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Parking & Directions
Rydges Camperdown is just 20 to 30 minutes from Sydney Airport by taxi or car. Follow these directions to find our hotel in Camperdown quickly so that you can begin enjoying your stay right away.
From Sydney Airport (only 9 kilometres): Turn onto Cooks River Avenue, which becomes Marsh Street. Continue along Marsh Street, then turn right at Flora Street, Arncliffe. Turn right at West Botany Street. Then turn right again onto Princess Highway, Wolli Creek. Continue along King Street, St. Peters. Turn left at Missenden Road and our hotel in Camperdown is at the far end.
Taxi costs range from $30 to $40. For information, contact the hotel on +61 2 9516 1522.
Basement-level parking is available for in-house guests as well as those attending functions and events at the Rydges Hotel in Camperdown. PREBOOK your parking here. Parking is $35 per car per day.
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